Sunday, March 6, 2011


The sound you are hearing is me on the flute and my friend playing dissonant intervals on our instruments. It started with just me playing a really high note on my flute. Then I tried to figure out how to make the video more interesting. I went on to add more eekk to my noise by having my friend play with me. At 1st we stood back to back, then I decided that it wasn't uncomfortable enough. I tried filming upside down. and as I began to experiment more I decided to zoom in and ended up zooming in on me. As a matter of fact the final video was suppose to be filmed upside down.

In my class critique I was basically told that I needed to find a way to make the visual element to the video more uncomfortable. The sound was very annoying, in fact the whole class shuddered when it started to play. I now think that it would have been better to be able to see where the sound was coming from at a different angle.

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