Saturday, March 26, 2011

Map Grade Me!

page 1
page 2
My map started out as a collage of the different pieces of music I've played over the years. As I was looking over the pieces I realized that music itself is a map. The sheet music is a visual map from the composer to the musician, then the musician interprets that map in his or her own way and creates a auditory map for the audience.

page 3

This piece is a map of my life. The music was written by myself just as my life is created by myself and the decisions I make. The 2 lines of music happen at the same time to represent harmony and a sense of never being alone in life. This piece of music is incomplete, and unfinished and so am I...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Metaphor 3-revised

Run away?
High heal shoes trying to run but not being able to. One shoe hanging suspended in a running motion the other shoe stomping on the strap of the first shoe keeping it from running away. In the picture to follow the blue string would be replaced with fishing line.

Metaphor 2

Forcing myself to stay:
-Have a door/exit in the background, flute standing surrounded by fire except for the path to the door, but the flute is facing away from the exit, maybe the flute is “wearing” shoes, the flute possibly singed and or dented.

Metaphor 1-revised

Broken flute vertically displayed. But the flute is broken in half. Next to it a note card that reads: In its brokenness it tried to stand tall, but it failed. So it stands broken.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

visual story

For this assignment we where to take a word out of a story that we wrote as an earlier homework and express it in an artwork. At this point I'm still unsure of my word. Maybe "straight". My work is going to be a 15 ft length of paper that I'm gonna drive over the length of the paper in a straight line. My plan is to use 2  2x4 boards the same with as the paper to mount it going upwards on the wall. One board underneath on top and the other at the bottom to raise it off the wall and keep it taunt. how exactly the boards are going to be mounted I'm not sure yet. I'm also thinking that I may cover the boards in bible pages with verses dealing with pathage highlighted or underlined, just a thought.

Monday, March 7, 2011

2D hmwk 2/21: eyes closed

This was awkward to do because it is really hard to keep my eyes closed and keep track of 100 amount.
due to some technichal difficulties picts are soon to come.

Mapping Idea

For my map I have 2 thoughts and I would like to use sheet music from different times in my life that I have played or been influenced by. I either want to colage the music and create a path with the "text", or create a book of sheet music of my history. I'm still in the process of gathering all the sheet music that I'm hoping to use so I have no picts to show at this time.

2D hmwk 2/23

Part 1
I listened to 3 different pieces of music and created a 3 works per piece based off of a gesture inspired by the piece.

Part 2
I listened to 3 different pieces and did ghost drawings. For this technique I started with the same process, then used the eraser to create white space, next I used a rag to wipe it all away. Then repeated 2 more times.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


The sound you are hearing is me on the flute and my friend playing dissonant intervals on our instruments. It started with just me playing a really high note on my flute. Then I tried to figure out how to make the video more interesting. I went on to add more eekk to my noise by having my friend play with me. At 1st we stood back to back, then I decided that it wasn't uncomfortable enough. I tried filming upside down. and as I began to experiment more I decided to zoom in and ended up zooming in on me. As a matter of fact the final video was suppose to be filmed upside down.

In my class critique I was basically told that I needed to find a way to make the visual element to the video more uncomfortable. The sound was very annoying, in fact the whole class shuddered when it started to play. I now think that it would have been better to be able to see where the sound was coming from at a different angle.

Monkey Modular Madness

So I got this email today and thought it was fitting. The photographer and artist is unknown by myself, but still...

Saturday, March 5, 2011


a. what is the purpose of this photo; why was it taken? why do you keep it?
why did you choose it for this assignment? What is its significance to you?

b. What is the emotional relationship between the photographer and the subject?
 how does that influence the way the picture was taken?
How does it affect the way you look at the photo?
What is the photographer' attitude toward the subject?
What is the subject's attitude towards the photographer?

c. In what context is this photo intended to be viewed?, by who, for how long?
Do you think you will still remember this photo in ten years? 
Julia Briley by Allison Rainwater

 The purpose of this photo was to document my best friend's reaction to her present that I made for her. I keep it to remember the support and confidence that she has for me and my art. I chose it for this assignment because it has a deep meaning to me personally.
The emotional relationship to the photographer and the subject is familiar. This makes the photo off center and imperfect. I look at this photo with remembrance. The subject is happy and impatient with the photographer.
The context is ment to be viewed in a memory book

Allison @ Las Vegas by Mary Catherine Barnes

This photo was taken to commemorate a vacation and my courage to be in a 14 story Eifle tower.  The photographer is unfamiliar with the subject.  I picked the photo because it is a strong memory for me. It is a momento of one of my favorite vacations.

Unknown by Unknown

I picked this photo because It has a keyboard in it something I relate to very well. The photographer could have been anyone taking a pict of a little kid playing. It is ment to be a scrapbook photo.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Final monologue: Confessions of a Cashier

My group will probably be shocked that I chose this one to redo as my final piece. I felt that this one was far more unique than my other idea and it has a stronger sense of me to it. The script has completely been redone and the informational concept has changed. The confessional feel to it is still there as well as the cashier vibe. The filming angle was changed and the lighting was adjusted as suggested by my group.

In my critique I was told that the light still needed to be adjusted and the ending needed to be more intentional.

Story Line Senses

car turning around corner, empty trunk of Rendevous
chuckled, raspy, choked tears, pounding
between good and bad, or lack of balance
of responsibility
car ride,crossing city and county lines
moving cities, small to bigger town, moral/beliefs, thinking
2.5 hour car ride, years ago

fear, sadness, missing mom, contentment, happiness

Visualize, dang it, just visualize!

In this exercise I came up with a list of 15 objects, living and nonliving. Then visualized them and tried to see if I could figure out my personal visualization pattern and tendency.
The list:
  Dr. Pepper can, car tire, Julia, cup, mom, dishwasher, bed, pillow, dirty clothes hamper, flute, metronome, wallet, calculator,  Mitzy (my old cat), Sophia (my roommates dog)

I noticed as I was visualizing that it was harder for me to visualize these objects stationary. Even when I was trying to see them motionless I caught myself viewing them while moving.
 After the visualization exercise I answered the following questions.
  1. Are you better at visualizing people than objects? Or worse?
    What seems to be mentally different?
  2. Are you better at two-dimensional objects than three-dimensional? How so?
  3. Where do you see your image?
  4. Is it out in front of your eyes or back in your skull somewhere or somewhere else?
  5. What is brought to bear in these instances is a keen sensitivity to a non-modular perceptivity of sense-data. Why might this be important in your field?
 I am better at visualizing objects than people. When I'm around people I'm more concerned with my interaction with them, rather than the visual presence. Therefore I find it more difficult to recall the details of the person's appearance.
All of the objects I chose where 3D but when i did visualize a 2D object I didn't really notice a difference.
I see my  image in the same setting that I see it everyday. If it was a cup I saw it on a table, if it was a tire I saw it on my car.
Most of the time the image that I came up with was in front of me almost as if I could reach in and interact with the picture, again always in the same setting that I always see it, from the same angle I always see.
Art is sensual. It is important as an artist to use ones own senses to figure out how to express the senses through their work.